Disatukan pada 10 Oktober 2010, hari ini adalah genap 9 tahun perkahwinan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Syukor bersama isteri, Dr. Halina.
Lantas, angkasawan Malaysia itu telah berkongsi sekeping foto bersama isteri di laman Instagramnya. Beliau juga turut menitipkan ucapan istimewa buat isteri tersayangnya.
Menurutnya, beliau telah berjumpa dengan Dr. Halina pada tahun 2003 dan Dr. Halina merupakan pelajarnya di HUKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) .
“Pic – Our 9th Anniversary
When I met Dr Halina way back in 2003 , she was a student of mine at HUKM answering my every questions . That’s when the interest and attraction sets in …
I was just a young doctor doing my Masters in Orthopaedic at the time at the age of 30 – Haha that’s young to me …
But I wasn’t just looking for beauty with brains .
I wanted more than that …
I knew what I wanted …
I was looking for someone who has all the attributes – her faith , family , intellectuality and certainly beauty comes into play too .
My Dad told me that if you wanted to marry a woman , date her mother and you will know everything about her . She will be exactly like her mother in every aspect and was my Dad right … I’d had married earlier then with Dr Halina if it was not for the Angkasawan Programme .
The training & selection to Space itself cost me
an extra 5 years and another 2 years upon coming back to fulfil my duties as an astronaut .
I have always felt 32 is a good age for a man to settle down and 28 for women .
But Allah knows best .
Alhamdulillah on the 10.10.10 married at the age of 38 to Dr Halina 30 years old .
It also coincides with my 12th anniversary to Space – 10.10.07
And my late Dad words of wisdom – to find a wife with a gap of 10 years if possible . Haha
And now with 4 children Bella , Tasha , Adam & Noah and InsyaAllah with more to come , I’m truly content , fulfilled and blessed .
Hoping it will lasts forever – Amiinn
Happy Anniversary my love …
The Mother of my Children …
Continue being patient , for believing in me and being the pillar of my strength ….
Love you till Jannah
Just sharing …
Salam Everyone …
Love As Always …
PS – TQ Everyone for all your DM messages 😘
PSS – A short breakfast date this morning before leaving to Alor Gajah for my talks in the afternoon …
PSSS- I don’t usually open up talking about love publicly but today is an exception …”, tulisnya panjang lebar.
Lantas, kemaskininya itu mendapat ucapan dari peminat yang mendoakan kebahagiaan pasangan tersebut.
Sumber: Instagram Dr Sheikh Muszaphar
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