Pelakon, Mia Ahmad mengimbau kembali kenangan ketika pertama kali melahirkan cahaya mata sulungnya, Sayf Issa setahun yang lalu.
Berkongsi pengalaman itu, Mia berkongsi sebuah video di laman Instagram miliknya.
“Time has passed so quickly. It feels like I just had you. You were the first time I experienced the crazy ride of pregnancy hormones and I watched my body change and grow to accommodate a child.”
“I don’t feel like there are any words to describe how this past year has made me feel. My life is forever changed and in the best way possible. 😊 My baby boy turns one today.”
“It seems like just yesterday you rolled over for the first time, held your head up, stood up. We celebrated everything! Now your starting to walk, chatting up a storm, you brighten every single day.”
“Dear Sayf Issa,
having you was the best thing that ever happened to us.The joy you bring us every moment is immeasurable. Watching you grow, and learn, and understand your world has been nothing short of incredible. Your daddy and I love you every inch of our heart.
Happy Happy Birthday my little boy! ❤️ “, tulisnya sambil meletak tanda palang #sayfissaturnsone #izhaMiaIssa
Rata-rata pengikut turut meninggalkan komen di laman entri tersebut.
Untuk rekod, Mia Ahmad telah disatukan dengan penjaga gol bola sepak JDT, Mohd Izham Tarmiza pada 13 Januari 2017 dan melahirkan seorang cahaya mata lelaki setahun yang lalu.
Sumber: Instagram Mia Ahmad
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